Credits and licences

I can't follow you anymore

A new game by Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley

Lead Artist — Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley

Game Developer — Florian Brueckner

Sound Designer — Tobi Adebajo

Composer (Battle Tracks) - Nkisi

Face of Lust - Ebun Sodipo

Face of Longing - Kumbirai Makumbe

Face of Lies — Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley

Face of The Lost - Savannah Achampong

Face of Truth - Chloe Filani

Movement Director - Symoné

Character Movement - Symoné

Character Movement — Jay X

Assistant to Movement Director — Liv Lynch

Sound Recordist — Jen Walton

Makeup Artist — Natalie Vest-Jones

Slow motion footage by 16OZ Studios

Recorded and filmed at Studio Voltaire

Fonts by The Spartan Lucas and JLH Fonts

Built in Godot Engine, under MIT Licence

For Factory International

Artistic Director & CEO - John McGrath

Producer - Nina Franklin

Senior Producer - Paul Elam

Senior Digital Project Manager - Hayley Pepler

Production Administrator - Laura Allan